June 30th 2021

Raad van Bestuur 2021


HealthNet TPO is toegewijd aan onze missie om gemeenschappen die getroffen zijn door een conflict of ramp te ondersteunen en versterken zodat zij weer controle krijgen over hun eigen gezondheid en welzijn. We zijn verheugd om twee nieuwe leden van de Raad van Bestuur te mogen verwelkomen die met hun meegebrachte expertise en diensten gaan helpen om de doelen van HealthNet TPO te bereiken.

Welcome to the Board

As of the 29th June 2021, we welcome Noelle Ahlberg Kleiterp and Lander van Ommen. Noelle combines her beginnings in healthcare with her qualifications in corporate governance to support HealthNet TPO’s mission. Her efforts in the Board will focus on People and Board Development, and she will chair the Ethics Committee and the Remuneration/Nomination Committee. Lander will be joining the Board bringing his vast experience in primary health care, health systems strengthening, mental health, communicable diseases, and sexual and reproductive health to our Board.


Noelle and Lander will be replacing Koos van der Velden and Hans-Georg van Liempd, who have been dedicated members of our Board since July 2013 and October 2016 respectively. We thank Koos and Hans-Georg for their services and contributions to HealthNet TPO over the past 7 years. Guus Eskens, who has been a member of our Board since June 2017, will be staying on for a second term.

Meet our team