An overview of the publications that HealthNet TPO has developed and contributed to in the fields of mental health and psychosocial support, health system strengthening and more.

Research and Development Publications 2023

Afghan mental health and psychosocial well-being: thematic review of four decades of research and interventions

Alemi, Q., Panter-Brick, C., Oriya, S., Ahmady, M., Alimi, A., Faiz, H., Hakim, N., Hashemi, S., Manaly, M., Naseri, R., Parwiz, K., Sadat, S., Sharifi, M., Shinwari, Z., Ahmadi, S., Amin, R., Azimi, S., Hewad, A., Musavi, Z., Siddiqi, A. M., Bragin, M., Kashino, W., Lavdas, M., Miller, K., Missmahl, I., Omidian, P., Trani. J. F.,  van der Walt, S., Silove, D., Ventevogel, P. (2023). Afghan mental health and psychosocial well-being: Thematic review of four decades of research and interventions. BJPsych Open, 9(4), E125. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.502

This important paper synthesises decades of research, policy and programming on mental health and psychosocial support in Afghanistan and with Afghan refugees outside their country. 

Four decades of war, political upheaval, economic deprivation and forced displacement have profoundly affected both in-country and refugee Afghan populations. This report reviewed literature on mental health and psychosocial well-being, to assess the current evidence and describe mental healthcare systems, including government programmes and community-based interventions.

The report found that mental health problems and psychological distress show higher risks for women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and youth. Issues of suicidality and drug use are emerging problems that are understudied. Afghans use specific vocabulary to convey psychological distress, drawing on culturally relevant concepts of body–mind relationships. Coping strategies are largely embedded in one’s faith and family. Over the past two decades, concerted efforts were made to integrate mental health into the nation’s healthcare system, train cadres of psychosocial counsellors, and develop community-based psychosocial initiatives with the help of non-governmental organisations. A small but growing body of research is emerging around psychological interventions adapted to Afghan contexts and culture.

The report makes four recommendations to promote health equity and sustainable systems of care. Interventions must build cultural relevance, invest in community-based psychosocial support and evidence-based psychological interventions, maintain core mental health services at logical points of access and foster integrated systems of care.

Since the early 2000s, HealthNet TPO has been integrating mental health into basic healthcare, training hundreds of psychosocial counsellors across the country and using a ‘community systems strengthening’ approach aimed at restoring social cohesion, rebuild community trust and create a responsive and supporting environment for those in need.

Read the full report

Health trajectories of international aid workers

De Jong, K., Martinmäki, S., Te Brake, H., Komproe, I., Kleber, R., & Haagen, J. (2023). Health trajectories of international humanitarian aid workers: Growth mixture modelling findings from a prospective cohort study. BJPsych Open, 9(3), E83. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.58

How do international humanitarian aid workers stay healthy in the face of adversity? 

De Jong K, Martinmäki S, Brake HT, Kleber R, Haagen J, Komproe I (2022) How do international humanitarian aid workers stay healthy in the face of adversity? PLoS ONE 17(11): e0276727.

Research and Development Publications 2022

Prevalence of Trachoma in 72 Districts of Afghanistan in 2018−2019: Results of 35 Population-based Prevalence Surveys 

Ahmad Shah Salam, Rafiqullah Qayumi, Abdul Majeed Siddiqi, Mohammad Naseem, Mirwais Mansoor, Robert Butcher, Ana Bakhtiari, Kristen Renneker, Rebecca Willis, Cristina Jimenez, Michael Dejene, Naimullah Safi, Anne Heggen, Anthony W. Solomon, Emma M. Harding-Esch & Najeebullah Alizoi (2022) Prevalence of Trachoma in 72 Districts of Afghanistan in 2018−2019: Results of 35 Population-based Prevalence Surveys, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1080/09286586.2021.2015784

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of trachoma in suspected-endemic districts in Afghanistan using protocols consistent with WHO recommendations. The data will guide what steps, if any, are needed to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem in Afghanistan.

Prevalence surveys were conducted in 35 evaluation units covering 72 districts of Afghanistan. All resident individuals aged ≥1 year were examined for trachomatous inflammation—follicular (TF) and trachomatous trichiasis (TT) according to the WHO simplified trachoma grading system. Water, sanitation and hygiene access was assessed in households of survey participants. 

The prevalence surveys found that Trachoma is not a public health problem in the majority of evaluation unites surveyed. However, antibiotic mass drug administration, promotion of facial cleanliness and environmental improvement are needed for trachoma elimination purposes in three of the evaluation units surveyed in Afghanistan. The data is the first published record of population-based trachoma prevalence surveys in Afghanistan. This represents a major step forward for the Afghanistan trachoma elimination programme, and will hopefully give momentum to the wider neglected tropical disease (NTD) elimination agenda in the country. By identifying EUs in which to focus elimination efforts, Afghanistan can apply for an azithromycin donation from Pfizer through the International Trachoma Initiative, advocate for partner support to improve WASH infrastructure, and begin to plan for national elimination as a public health problem.

Read more

Research and Development Publications 2021

Wind, T.R.; Kawachi, I.; Komproe, I.H. (2021). Multilevel Social Mechanisms of Post- Disaster Depression. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health 2021,18,391.

Vink M, Upadhaya N, Amin HA, Liwal MG, Siddiqui AM, Naseem M, Syawash A, Schim van der Loeff M. Does support to Private Health Practitioners increase childhood vaccination coverage? Findings from a comparative study in Afghanistan. Vaccine. 2021 Aug 16;39(35):5007-5014. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.07.018. Epub 2021 Jul 26. PMID: 34325933.

Research and Development Publications 2020

  1. Upadhaya, N., Regmi, U., Gurung, D., Luitel, N. P., Petersen, I., Jordans, M. J., & Komproe, I.H. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial support services in primary health care in Nepal: Perceived facilitating factors, barriers and strategies for improvement. BMC psychiatry20(1), 1-13.  
  2. Upadhaya, N. (2020). Strengthening mental health systems in fragile setting: Opportunities and challenges for strengthening mental health systems in low and middle income countries: A case example from Nepal (Doctoral dissertation, Utrecht University, the Netherlands).  
  3. Poudel, S., Ghimire, P. R., Upadhaya, N., & Rawal, L. (2020). Factors associated with stillbirth in selected countries of South Asia: A systematic review of observational studies. PloS one,15(9), e0238938.  
  4. Pham, T. V., Kaiser, B. N., Koirala, R., Maharjan, S. M., Upadhaya, N., Franz, L., & Kohrt, B. A. (2020). Traditional Healers and Mental Health in Nepal: A Scoping Review. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry.  
  5. Adhikari, R. P., Shrestha, M. L., Satinsky, E. N., & Upadhaya, N. (2020). Trends in and determinants of visiting private health facilities for maternal and child health care in Nepal: Comparison of three Nepal Demographic Health Surveys, 2006, 2011, and 2016. BMC Pregnancy and Child Birth (In Press).
  6. Luitel, N.P., Jordans, M.J., Subba, P. and I.H.Komproe (2020). Perception of service users and their caregivers on primary care-based mental health services: a qualitative study in Nepal. BMC Family Practice, 21:202.  
  7. Kimberley Anderson, Esmina Avdibegović, Amra Delić, Elisa van Ee, Heide Glaesmer and Ivan Komproe (2020). A Dual-Model of Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in a Community Sample of Female Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Survivors from Bosnia and Herzegovina. JHEC vol. 1, nr. 1, 65-86, 2666-447x  
  8. Nagendra P. Luitel, Erica Breuer, Anup Adhikari, Brandon A. Kohrt, Crick Lund, Ivan H. Komproe and Mark J. D. Jordans (2020). Process evaluation of a district mental healthcare plan in Nepal: a mixed-methods case study. BJPsych Open, 6, e77, 1–11. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2020.60  
  9. Nawaraj Upadhaya, Mark J. D. Jordans, Ramesh P. Adhikari , Dristy Gurung , Ruwayda Petrus , Inge Petersen  and Ivan H. Komproe (2020). Evaluating the integration of chronic care elements in primary health care for people with mental illness: a longitudinal study in Nepal conducted among primary health care workers. BMC Health Services Research, 20: 632.  
  10. van der Velden, Peter G.; Komproe, Ivan; Contino, Carlo; et al. (2020). Which groups affected by Potentially Traumatic Events (PTEs) are most at risk for a lack of social support? A prospective population-based study on the 12-month prevalence of PTEs and risk factors for a lack of post-event social support. PLOS ONE, vol ‏5,  e0232477

Mental health and psychosocial support

Epidemiological studies:

Anderson, K., Delić, A., Komproe, I.H, Avdibegoviće, E., van Ee, E. & Glaesmer, H. (2019). Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth Among Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Survivors from Bosnia & Herzegovina. Conflict & Health, doi:10.1186/s13031-019-0201-5.

Luitel N.P., Jordans M.J.D., Kohrt, B.A., Rathod S.D., Komproe I.H. (2017) Treatment gap and barriers for mental health care: A cross-sectional community survey in Nepal. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183223.

Ventevogel, P., van de Put, W., Faiz, H., van Mierlo, B., Siddiqi, M, Komproe, I.H. (2012) Improving Access to Mental Health Care and Psychosocial Support within a Fragile Context: A Case Study from Afghanistan. PLoS Med 9(5): e1001225. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001225

Retrospective evaluation study on the effects of community interventions:

Jordans, M.J.D., Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., Ndayisaba, A., Nisabwe, T., and Kohrt,B.A. (2012). Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: a tracer study. BMC Public Health,12: 905. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-905.

Community survey on the effect of the announcement of the Cambodian Tribunal on PTSD and disability:

Sonis, J., Gibson, J.L., de Jong, J.T.V.M., Field, N.P., Hean, S., Komproe, I.H. (2009). Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Disability in Cambodia: Associations with Perceived Justice, Desire for Revenge and Attitudes Toward the Khmer Rouge Trials. JAMA, 302(5):527-536.

Community survey on the effect of the conscription of children in armed groups on their Mental Health:

Kohrt, BA, Jordans, MJD, Tol, WA, Speckman, RA, Maharjan, SM, Worthman,CM ,Komproe, IH. (2008). Comparison of Mental Health Between Former Child Soldiers and Children Never Conscripted by Armed Groups in Nepal. JAMA, 300(6):691-702.

Community survey on the effect of the post conflict setting on the prevalence of common mental disorders (DSMIV):

de Jong JTVM, Komproe IH, van Ommeren M. (2003). Common mental disorders in post-conflict settings. Lancet, 361:2128-2130.

Community survey on the effect of 14 riskfactors on the prevalence of PTSD (DSMIV):

de Jong JTVM, Komproe IH, van Ommeren M, El Masri M, Araya M, Khaled N, van de Put W, Somasundaram D. (2001) Lifetime events and posttraumatic stress disorder in 4 postconflict settings. JAMA, 286(5): 555-562

Community survey on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders:

van Ommeren, M, de Jong JTVM, Sharma M, Komproe IH, Thapa SB, Cardeña E. (2001). Psychiatric Disorders Among Tortured Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal. Archives Gen Psychiatry, 58: 475-482

Community survey on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders:

Shrestha, NM, Sharma B, van Ommeren M, Regmi S, Makaju R, Komproe IH, Shrestha C, de Jong JTVM. (1998). Impact of torture of refugees displaced within the developing world: symptomotology among Bhutanese refugees in Nepal. JAMA, 280(5): 443-448.

Health System Strengthening:

Jordans, M.J., Luitel, N.P., Kohrt, B.A., Rathod, S.D., Baron, E., De Silva, M., Komproe, I.H., Patel, V., Lund, C. (2019). Community, facility and individual level outcomes of a district mental healthcare plan in a low-resource setting in Nepal: A population-based evaluation. Plos Medicine, vol 16, 2, 1-20, e1002748

Jordans, M.J., Luitel,N.P., Garman, E., Kohrt, B.A., Rathod, S.D., Shrestha, P., Komproe, I.H., Lund, C. and Vikram Patel (2019). Effectiveness of psychological treatments for depression and alcohol use disorder delivered by community-based counsellors: two pragmatic randomised controlled trials within primary healthcare in Nepal. . British Journal of Psychiatry, Jan 25:1-9. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.300.

Luitel, N.P., Baron, E.C., Kohrt, B.A., Komproe, I.H., Jordans, M.J. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of depression and alcohol use disorder among adults attending primary health care services in Nepal: a cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, Vol 18, 215.

Upadhaya, N., Jordans, M.J., Gurung, D., Pokhrel, R., Adhikari, R.A., Komproe, I.H. (2018). Psychotropic drugs in Nepal: perceptions on use and supply chain management. Globalozation and Health, Volume: 14, 10.

Upadhaya, N., Jordans, M.J.D., Pokhrel, R., Gurung, C., Adhikari, R.P., Petersen, I. and Ivan H. Komproe (2017). Current situations and future directions for mental health system governance in Nepal: findings from a qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems; 11:3, DOI 10.1186/s13033-017-0145-3

Upadhaya, N., Jordans, M.J.D., Abdulmalik, J., Ahuja, S., Alem, A., Hanlon, C., Kigozi, F., Kizza, D., Lund, C., Semrau, M., Shidhaye, R., Thornicroft, G., Komproe, I.H., and Oye Gureje. (2016). Information systems for mental health in six low and middle income countries: cross country situation analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10:60, DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0094-2

Luitel, N.P., Jordans, M.J.D., Adhikari, A., Upadhaya, N.P, Hanlon, C. Lund, C. & Komproe, I.H. (2015). Mental Health Care in Nepal: Current Situation and Challenges for Development of a District Mental Health Care Plan. BMC Conflict and Health, 9, 3, DOI 10.1186/s13031-014-0030-5.

Development of MHPSS care packages:

Upadhaya, N., Jordans, M.J.D., Pokhrel, R., Gurung, C., Adhikari, R.P., Petersen, I. and I H. Komproe (2017). Current situations and future directions for mental health system governance in Nepal: findings from a qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems; 11:3, DOI 10.1186/s13033-017-0145-3

Upadhaya, N., Jordans, M.J.D., Abdulmalik, J., Ahuja, S., Alem, A., Hanlon, C., Kigozi, F., Kizza, D., Lund, C., Semrau, M., Shidhaye, R., Thornicroft, G., Komproe, I.H. and Oye Gureje. (2016). Information systems for mental health in six low and middle income countries: cross country situation analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10:60, DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0094-2

Luitel, N.P., Jordans, M.J.D., Adhikari, A., Upadhaya, N.P, Hanlon, C. Lund, C. & Komproe, I.H. (2015). Mental Health Care in Nepal: Current Situation and Challenges for Development of a District Mental Health Care Plan. BMC Conflict and Health, 9, 3, DOI 10.1186/s13031-014-0030-5.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A., Susanty, D., Ntamatumba, P., Luitel, N.P. and Komproe, I.H. & de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2013). Implementation of a Mental Health Care Package for Children in Areas of Armed Conflict: A Case Study from Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Sudan. PLoS Medicine, 10(1), 1-6, doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001371.

Jordans, M.J.D.,Luitel, N.P.,Tomlinson, M., Komproe, I.H. (2013) Setting priorities for mental health care in Nepal: a formative study. BMC Psychiatry, 13:332. doi:1471-244X/13/332.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H. & de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2013). Development of a psychosocial care package for children in areas of armed conflict: A case study on the interplay between practice and research. PLoS Medicine 10(1): e1001371. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001371.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A. and I.H. Komproe. (2011). Mental health interventions for children in adversity: pilot-testing a research strategy for treatment selection in low-income settings. Social, Science and Medicine. 73, 3: 585-593.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H., Susanty, D., Vallipuram, A., Ntamatumba, P., Lasuba, A.C. and de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2010). Development of a Multi-layered Psychosocial Care System for Children in Areas of Political Violence. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 2010,4:15 (doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-4-15)

de Jong JTVM, Komproe IH. (2002). Closing the gap between psychiatric epidemiology and mental health in post-conflict situations. Lancet, 359:1793-1794

Development of instruments

Development and evaluation of a community based proactive case finding procedure:

Jordans, M.J.D., Kohrt, B.A., Luitel, N.P., Lund, C., Komproe, I.H. (2017). Proactive community case-finding to facilitate treatment seeking for mental disorders, Nepal. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation; 95(7):531-536.

Jordans, M.J.D., Kohrt, B.A., Luitel, N.P., Komproe, I. H.& Lund, C. (2015). Accuracy of pro-active case finding for mental disorders by community informants in Nepal. British Journal of Psychiatry, 207, 1–6. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.113.141077.

Multigroup construct validity evaluation of Coping Self-Efficacy scale:

Bosmans,M.G.W., Komproe, I.H., van Loey,N.E., van der Knaap, L.M., Benight, C.C. & van der Velden, P.G. (2015). Assessing Perceived Ability to Cope With Trauma: a Multigroup Validity Study of a 7-Item Coping Self-Efficacy Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.2015, DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000266.

Construct validity evaluation of MH screener across different contexts:

Wind, T.R., Joshi, P.C., Kleber, R. & Komproe, I.H. (2014). The effect of the post-disaster context on the assessment of individual mental health scores. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84,2,134-141. doi: 10.1037/h0099385.

Cultural/contextual construct validation using the golden standard procedure:

Ventevogel, P., Komproe, I.H., Jordans, M.J.D., Feo, P., de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2014). Validation of the Kirundi versions of brief self-rating scales for common mental disorders among children in Burundi. BMC Psychiatry,14:36. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-14-36

Development and construct validation of tool for assessing functioning using a grounded theory approach:

Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H., Jordans, M.J.D., Susanty, D., J.T.V.M. de Jong. (2011). Developing a function impairment measure for children affected by political violence: a mixed methods approach in Indonesia. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23,4, 375-383

Epidemiological approach for the development of tool for assessing adjustment disorders:

Dobricki, M., Komproe, I.H., de Jong, J.T.V.M., Maercker, A. (2010). Adjustment disorders after severe life-events in four postconflict settings. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45: 39-46.

Cross cultural construct validation of short muilti-dimensional screenings tool for psychosocial distress among children:

Jordans, M.J.D., Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., de Jong, J.T.V.M.(2009). Screening for psychosocial distress amongst war affected children: Crosscultural construct validity of the CPDS. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 50:4: 514-523.

Development, construct validation and determining cut-off score of tool for assessing psychosocial distress:

Jordans, MJD, Komproe, IH, Ventevogel, P, Tol, WA, de Jong, JTVM.(2008). Development and Validation of the Child Psychosocial Distress Screener in Burundi. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,78,3: 290-299

Cross cultural construct validation of DESNOS (DSMIV):

de Jong JTVM, Komproe IH, Spinazolla J, van der Kolk BA and van Ommeren M. (2005). DESNOS in 3 postconflict settings: assessing cross-cultural construct equivalence. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 1:13-21

Development of anger expression and control scale:

van Elderen, Th, Maes, S, Komproe IH & L van der Kamp (1997) The development of an anger expression and control scale. British Journal of Health Psychology, 2: 269-281.

Evaluation of construct validity of anger expression and control scale in a specific sample:

van Elderen, Th, Verkes, RJ, Arkesteijn, J & IH Komproe (1996). Psychometric characteristics of the selfexpression and control scale in a sample of recurrent suicide attempters. Personal. Individ. Diff, 21, 4: 489-496.

Le Blanc, PM, de Jong, RD Geersing, J, Furda, J & Komproe, IH (1993). Leader-Member Exchanges: distinction between two factors. The European Work and Organizational Psychologist, 3: 297-309.

Evaluation of construct validity of Dutch version of the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale:

Pop, VJM, Komproe, IH & van Son, MJM (1992). Characteristics of the Edinburgh post-natal depression scale in the Netherlands. Journal of Affective Disorders, 26: 105-110.

Evaluation Studies

N=1 studies that use a procedure for quantitative comparisons of individual longitudinal trajectories (multiple assessments eg > 15).

Jordans, MJD,Komproe, IH, Tol, WA, , Ntamatumba, P, Lasuba, AC, de Jong, JTVM (2013). Treatment processes of counseling for children in Southern Sudan: A replicated n=1 design. Community Mental Health Journal, 49: 354-367.doi: 10.1007/s10597-013-9591-9

Jordans, M.J.D., Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., Smallegange, E., Ntamatumba, P., de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2012). Potential treatment mechanisms of counseling for children in Burundi: series of N=1 studies. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82,3, 338-348. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2012.01171.x

Evaluation studies of intervention programs and/or complex interventions.

Jordans, M.J., Luitel, N.P., Kohrt, B.A., Rathod, S.D., Baron, E., De Silva, M., Komproe, I.H., Patel, V., Lund, C. (2019). Community, facility and individual level outcomes of a district mental healthcare plan in a low-resource setting in Nepal: A population-based evaluation. Plos Medicine, in press

Jordans, M.J., Luitel,N.P., Garman, E., Kohrt, B.A., Rathod, S.D., Shrestha, P., Komproe, I.H., Lund, C. and Vikram Patel (2019). Effectiveness of psychological treatments for depression and alcohol use disorder delivered by community-based counsellors: two pragmatic randomised controlled trials within primary healthcare in Nepal. British Journal of Psychiatry, online.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol,W.A., Ndayisaba,A., Komproe,I.H. (2012). A controlled evaluation of a brief parenting psycho-education intervention in Burundi. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. doi:10.1007/s00127-012-0630-6

Jordans, M.J.D., Luitel, N.P., Poudyal, B., Tol, W.A. & Komproe, I.H. (2012). Evaluation of a brief training on mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies: a pre and post assessment in Nepal. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 27, 3, 1-4.

Jordans, M.J.D., Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., Ndayisaba, A., Nisabwe, T., and Kohrt,B.A. (2012). Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: a tracer study. BMC Public Health,12: 905. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-905

Jordans, M.J.D.,Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., Susanty, D., Vallipuram, A., Ntamatumba, P., Lasuba, A.C., de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2011). Practice-driven Evaluation of a Multi-layered Psychosocial Care Package for Children in Areas of Armed Conflict. Community Mental Health Journal. 47, 267-277 (doi: 10.1007/s10597-010-9301-9).

Tol, WA, Komproe, IH, Jordans, MJD, Thapa, SB, Sharma, B, de Jong, JTVM. (2009). Brief multi-disciplinary treatment for torture survivors in Nepal: a naturalistic comparative study. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 55,1: 39-56.

Naturalisitic Studies: Cluster Random CommunityTrials

Jordans, M.J.D., Komproe, I.H., Tol, W.A., Kohrt, B.A., Luitel, N., Macey, R.D., J.T.V.M. de Jong. (2010). Evaluation of a classroom-based psychosocial intervention in conflict-affected Nepal: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,51:7: 818-826

Tol, WA, Komproe, IH, Susanty,D, Jordans,MJD, Macy,RD, de Jong, JTVM. (2008). School-Based Mental Health Intervention for Children Affected by Political Violence in Indonesia: A Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA ,300(6):655-662.

Naturalisitic studies: Cluster Random CommunityTrials combined with additional explanatory analyses for the outcomes of the community trials

Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H, Jordans, M.J.D., Ndayisaba, A., Ntamutumba, P., Sipsma, H., Smallegange, E.S., Macy, R.D., de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2014). School-based mental health intervention for children in war-affected Burundi: a cluster randomized trial. BMC Medicine, 12:56.

Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H., Jordans, M.J., Vallipuram A., Sipsma H., Sivayokan S., Macy, R.D., J.T. de Jong. (2012). Outcomes and moderators of a preventive school-based mental health intervention for children affected by war in Sri Lanka: a cluster randomized trial. World Psychiatry, 11(2):114-22.

Tol, W.A., Komproe, I.H, Jordans, M.J.D., Gross, A.L., Susanty, D., Macy, R.D., J.T.V.M. de Jong, (2010). Mediators and Moderators of a Psychosocial Intervention for Children Affected by Political Violence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 6, 818–828.

Research articles on complex individual and/or societal issues

 Wind, T.R. and I.H. Komproe (2018). Closing the gap between disaster mental health research and practice: evidence for socio-ecological mental health interventions through multilevel research. Intervention, 16 (1): 5-13

Wind, T.R. and I.H. Komproe. (2012). The mechanisms that associate community social capital and with post-disaster mental health: a multilevel model. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 75, 9: 1715-1720

Wind, T.R., Fordham, M., Komproe, I.H. (2011). Social Capital and Post-Disaster Mental Health. Global Health Action, 4: 1-9 (doi: 10.3402/gha.v4i0.6351)

Araya, M., Chotai,J., Komproe, I.H. and J.T.V.M. de Jong. (2011).Quality of life after postconflict displacement in Ethiopia: comparing placement in a community setting with that in shelters. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46: 585-593. (doi: 10.1007/s00127-010-0223-1).

van Duijl, M., Nijenhuis, E., Komproe, I.H., Gernaat, H.B.P.E., de Jong, J.T.V.M. (2010). Dissociative Symptoms and Reported Trauma among Patients with Spirit Possession and Matched Healthy Controls in Uganda. Culture , Medicine and Psychiatry, 34 : 380–400.

Punamäki, RL, Salo, J, Komproe, IH, Qouta, S, El-Masri, M, de Jong, JTVM. (2008). Dispositional and situational coping and mental health among Palestinian political ex-prisoners. .Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 21,4: 337-358.

Laban, CJ, Komproe, IH, Gernaat, HPE, de Jong, JTVM. (2008). The impact of a long asylum procedure on quality of life, disability and physical health in Iraqi asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 43: 507-515

Kamperman, AM, Komproe, IH & JTVM de Jong. (2007). Migrant Mental Health: A Model for Indicators of Mental Health and Health Care Consumption. Health Psychology, 26(1):96-104.

Laban, CJ, Gernaat, HPE, Komproe, IH, de Jong, JTVM. (2007). Prevalence and predictors of health service use among Iraqi asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42: 837-844.

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van Ommeren M, Sharma, B, Komproe, IH, Poudyal, B, Sharma GK, Cardeña, E, de Jong, JTVM (2001). Trauma and loss as determinants of medically unexplained epidemic illness in a Bhutanese refugee camp. Psychological Medicine, 31,7:1259-1267

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Child Thematic Programme

HealthNet developed and evaluated a multi-tiered psychosocial care package for children and youth affected by armed conflict in Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Sudan.

The tools and materials developed improved detection and screening of mental health concerns, making care accessible to over 96,000 children. Key research developed by HealthNet TPO researchers are found below.
