March 9th 2021

Security update: Health workers killed in separate attacks in Afghanistan


HealthNet TPO veroordeelt alle vormen van geweld tegen vrouwen, mannen en kinderen, en in het bijzonder tegen medisch personeel en instellingen in Afghanistan en de rest van de wereld.

We are saddened to hear of the killing of a trainee doctor on Thursday morning in Afghanistan, as she travelled to work at the Nangarhar Regional Hospital in Jalalabad. Her younger brother, who was travelling with her, and the rickshaw driver were also injured in the attack and are being treated in hospital. Our deepest sympathies go out to all their families and friends.

At a time when we are celebrating women’s achievements for International Women’s Day and advocating for a gender-equal world, the senseless killing of innocent women is grossly unjust. The recent rise in targeted killings of female workers highlights the stark reality for women living in Afghanistan, whose lives are at risk instead of being celebrated.

Yesterday, we also learned of the death of a nurse who was killed when a roadside improvised explosive device (IED) exploded as he passed whilst walking home after his shift at Chalas Primary Health Centre in Kunar province. Two deaths of healthcare workers within days of each other is tragic, and we are taking all possible measures to ensure the safety of our staff.

HealthNet TPO condemns all forms of violence against women, men and children, and particularly towards healthcare staff in Afghanistan and around the world.