“Aid organisations are concerned about their Afghan employees who are no longer eligible for evacuation to the Netherlands. Most of them are dropped due to the stricter criteria of the cabinet.”

On 27th October, 2021 Willem Reussing, Programme Manager at HealthNet TPO was interviewed for the Volkskrant. Read the full article here.

“Aid organisations and knowledge institutions fear that they will each have to disappoint dozens of Afghan employees now that the Netherlands has considerably tightened the criteria for an evacuation. Development workers who carried out projects with Dutch money around the missions in Uruzgan and Kunduz are excluded, even if they have been threatened by the Taliban.”

“We have raised expectations that we can no longer live up to’, says Programme Manager Willem Reussing of HealthNet TPO… ‘I do not claim that all those employees are in mortal danger – we do not want to and cannot make that assessment ourselves – but some of them have indeed been threatened by the Taliban,’. According to him, none of the eighty Afghans is eligible for evacuation. HealthNet TPO was therefore not invited to an information meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week.”

Read more here.

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